Monday, September 6, 2010
Finally Posting Again!
Hey guys! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to write another post! I have been very busy with trying to get settled in, visiting the school that I am teaching at, and doing missions work. I am finally getting settled. I have been to orientation at my school and I love the school. They are so nice to me and I feel at home there. Today is my first day of teaching and I am a little nervous but God has really given me a peace about teaching. I really believe that it is going to be a good experience. Today we are just playing get-to-know each other games so I think it will be a good day.
On the mission front we have had two missions. Our first mission was in a town called Guasave. We divided into groups and visited houses. We left at around 7 or 7:30 in the morning and arrived home about 10:30. In the morning we went door-to-door asking if we could clean the yards of the people. We swept the dirt from their driveways and raked the leaves and grass that we mowed. It was such a great time. These people could not hardly understand why we would do this for them for free in the heat and the word "heat" may be an understatement. It is HOT here! lol We would just explain to the people that we do this because we love the Lord and the Lord has showed us how to love others. Before we started cleaning at each house we would pray with the people. We asked if they had any prayer requests and then we prayed over them and their families. While I was cleaning I just felt such comfort and happiness. There is absolutely no feeling in the World that matches the feeling we get when we are doing something for others in the name of the Lord. It is absolutely indescribable! When we were nearing the end of these activities a friend of mine name Star (Estrella) and I were standing in front of a house that looked like it didn't need any work. The tenants kept the yard very clean. So we were chatting and I felt God give me a little nudge to share the gospel with the people of this house. Star is an excellent translator and has translated for me many times in the past when I have shared the gospel so I said, "Lets share" and she smiled really big and said "OK." So we met the woman who lived in the home. She was a young mother with maybe 2 or 3 kids. I began to share the gospel with her using some left over tracks that I had no idea I still had. In the end she came to know the Lord. She smiled and I could see some tears in her eyes. We prayed for her new relationship with Christ and for her family and God's protection. This was such a blessing!! I only have two Spanish tracts left but I let her have that one so that she could share with others. I told her that I would be leaving so it was up to her to share this with others and to grow in her relationship with the Lord. It is amazing how easy it is to share the gospel in Mexico and how open the people are to hearing the word.
We went back through the neighborhoods in the afternoon and invited the people to come to our night service. When we got back to the park where the service was located some of us girls set up a small medical clinic and tested the people's blood sugar and blood pressure and handed out medicine, etc... Then the service began...... I just cannot accurately describe the power of God in this service. It was overwhelming. The pastor spoke and the band played worship songs. All over there were tears. We were putting up the medical supplies during the beginning of the service and could see a powerful storm rolling in or was it God?!? I'm not sure but it was beautiful and powerful. I posted some pictures of the clouds as they rolled in. The thunder kept rolling and the wind became stronger and stronger and the preacher spoke louder and the band played louder. Hands were raised all over. Tears were streaming and people were praising the Lord with all of their might. The pastor then called all of the young people in front of him to pray for them. He prayed a powerful prayer and the young people raised their hands to the Lord. Then he had these young people get in a circle and hold hands. Some were so overwhelmed by emotion that they dropped to their knees. Others raised their locked hands in praise. The wind and lightening and thunder were powerful but in a Godly way. They began to sing in worship to the Lord and all of a sudden all power was out and it was just voices and tears and praise. I have felt God's presence so many times but this experience was one of the most unique experiences of my life. To feel the storm and to see the tears and the praise and hear just voices and an unplugged guitar was just incredibly powerful. God is so good and he is being praised all over the World!! People are crying out to him despite anything and everything that may be going on in their lives.
For Christians in Mexico their lives are a continuous mission. They go on a least one mission a week and constantly desire to see others know the Lord. They do things for others and lead lives that are pleasing to the Lord. They truly and genuinely are God's hands and feet 24/7. I can't help but wonder if we have somewhat lost this spark in America. It is a more difficult mission field then Mexico I know because people are sometimes very cold to God but weren't we as Christians uniquely placed in this mission field for a reason? God put us in America because that is where he wanted us to be. Where is our spark? Where is our passion? Where did our heart's desire go? Believe me I am speaking directly to myself more than anyone but these are the things that I have felt convicted about this week.
I am posting pictures of the night of worship in Guasave. They hardly capture the power of the Lord but it is there. I miss all of you guys very much! I can't wait to see those of you who are coming in Nov.
Prayer Requests: Pray that I will be a good teacher because I have never done this before. Pray for the lost souls in Mexico. Pray that the churches here will obtain the much much needed financial support to continue doing the missions work such as the night of worship in Guasave. Finally, pray for our protection as we go to these places.
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